A new baby is exciting and can fill a house with joy, though babies also mean many things to keep track of while finding a new household routine. In between the doctors appointments and adjusting life schedules, taking care of baby teeth may not register on a new parent’s radar. Parents may not realize that baby teeth can get cavities and damaged baby teeth can potentially hurt future adult teeth too.
All of the natural sugars in breast milk and formula can be a cause of tooth decay for younger children. Corn syrup is a major ingredient in formula and can also cause cavities. When parents nurse or gives bottles, often baby’s teeth are not wiped down or brushed which can lead to tooth decay in young children. This type of tooth decay often shows up around the age of two.
If baby teeth are badly damaged, they may need to be removed. Infections can spread and damage adult teeth still forming underneath. If the infection is bad enough, it can also spread to other parts of the body like the brain. Infections, particularly in young children, can be serious cause for alarm.
It can be very difficult to brush the teeth of babies or young children, but there are many benefits to starting this routine early. If children expect it, they will be more willing when parents attempt to brush in the future. The children also learn how important oral health is and may be less scared of the dentist if they understand what is going to happen. Of course, the best benefit is healthy baby teeth free of cavities and a happy baby!